iPad- How to check data signal

For- Queensland School Ticketing (QST) / Rural and Regional (R&R) TfNSW operators:

   If you need to check that your device is receiving data signal to troubleshoot an issue, follow the steps below. Please preform these checks in an area that has strong data signal and ensure the device is not connected to Wi-Fi.  
  • Switch the iPad on by pressing the power button for 2 seconds.

  • The apple logo will appear, then the QLD school bus (QST operators) or Driver application (R&R operators) will load.  The landing page is the driver login screen.
  • The data signal indicator is located in the top right hand side of the iPad screen.  The signal could be 3g/4g or 5g

  • If you see a red line at the top of the screen, this indicates the iPad is not receiving a data signal.  The iPad is in "offline mode"  This maybe because the iPad is not in a data coverage area- please move the iPad to a data coverage area or there maybe an data outage in your area. Data outages
  • Offline mode
  • For any other assistance with offline mode, please contact Transportme via the existing support ticket.

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