Set up a Manifest: Detailed Guide

The detailed step-by-step guide to work on Smartcard Manifest Route

Step 1: Register Smartcards
Step 2: Create a Smartcard Manifest Route
Step 3: Set Up the Manifest
Step 4: Manage and Update

Step 2: Create a Smartcard Manifest Route 

To create a Smartcard Manifest Route, the user must be an admin or have the required route execution  permissions.

To create a Smartcard Manifest Route, the user must be an admin or have the required route execution permissions

  • Login to the operator portal and navigate to Routes
  • Select New Route button to create new route manually
    • Select transaction screen type = Smartcard Manifest

add route

route type

  • Enter the required details and save to create the manifest route.

Step 3: Set Up the Manifest

The first step in setting up the manifest is to define the Route Capacity and Reserved Seats. Without this information, passengers cannot be added to the list in the final step.

  • Route Capacity: The maximum number of seats or passengers the route can accommodate. The total number of reserved seats and scheduled passengers on any given date cannot exceed this capacity.
  • Reserved Seats: Seats blocked from general use on the manifest, available only for passengers boarding the bus at the time of travel.

smartcard manifest

Adding Passengers and Their Travel to the Manifest

Multiple travel combinations can be created for a single passenger to cover different travel needs.

Only passengers with smartcards set to  deduct mode = tap on and off can be searched and added to the manifest.

  • Select the date on the calendar when the passenger will start traveling.
  • The Smartcard Manifest Form will open to allow passenger selection and travel schedule setup.
    • This form displays the passenger list for the selected route and date, including their boarding and de-boarding stops.
    • It also indicates available and reserved seats at each stop.

add passenger

  • Select Add Passenger button to schedule a passenger's travel. 
    • Search the passenger using their name or smartcard number.
    • Select boarding stop from the Boarding drop down list 


    • Choose the Setup Type 
      • Repeat: Recurring travel setup for a specific period. 
        • Weekly - default 
        • Monthly - shortcut for multiple weeks. For example: for the next 3 months, instead of for the next 13 weeks
        • Year - shortcut for 52 weeks

      setup type

      • Date: A one-time travel schedule for the selected date.


  • Select the de-boarding stop and save the setup.


Step 4: Manage and Update

After setting up the manifest, the route can be reviewed and updated as needed

  • Editing Route Details 
    • Navigate to Routes
    • Locate the route to be updated
    • Select Edit button to modify route details. 
  • Managing the Smartcard Manifest
    • Select the Smartcard Manifest tab to begin
    • Adjust Route Capacity and Reserved Seats as needed, then click Update to save changes.
    • Update the Travel Schedule
      • Edit a passenger's travel
      • Remove a passenger
      • Report a passenger as NOT traveling  
      • Restore a passenger's travel plan 

travel date

Select the edit icon to modify boarding and de-boarding stops or update travel times.
Select the remove icon to permanently delete a passenger’s travel plan from the manifest.
Select the travel date icon to mark a passenger as absent for a specific date without removing them from the manifest permanently.
Select the redo icon to reactivate a passenger's travel schedule on that specific date. This reverts the action of the travel date icon.
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