Smartcard Transaction provides comprehensive information about smartcard transactions throughout a route, including details such as the location of stops, the dates and times when smartcards were tapped on/off, or the manner in which they were used. Additionally, operators have the capability to initiate refunds to individual smartcard accounts or multiple accounts.
This report is available if your company has purchased the Smartcards module.
This is a standard feature for TMR Queensland's School Ticketing.
Login to Transportme™ or QST operator portal.
Select Reports tab on the main menu.
Select Transaction Report tab in Smartcard Reports group on the side menu.
Filter data that you wanted to be in the report:
Include Historical Data: select this option to allow to run the report for the deleted data.
Show Stop Order: select this option to display the corresponding stop order next by stop name. For example: “09 – Jetty”. Note: stop order can be find or update in Stops tab of Route Edit page. You may find more details in the article Edit stop list of a route.
All Route:
Select this option if you wanted to run the report for all the routes in system.
Deselect this option will show more filter options. It will allow you to specify Route Category, Transaction Type, Card Number or Passenger Name to be included in the report. Note: these selection can be multiple choices.
Date Range-From and Date Range-To: select the data pickers to define the date range of data.
Select Generate button to run the report. Note: the following transaction report screenshot is just an example with test data.
From the report,
Locate the record(s) you wanted to focus by using Search box.
Select different options to save the report
Copy: save the report to the clipboard then you can paste the data to your document or spreadsheet, etc.
CSV/Excel: export the data to corresponding format to your local storage for further use.
Print: print out the data or save the data as PDF format.
Sort data by selecting up/down arrow button on the right of each column header.
Slide the bottom scroll bar to the left or right to see all the data of the report.
Check the report details:
Transaction Date: when the transaction is recorded.
Amount: transaction's amount.
Transaction Type:
Travel Payment: fare was paid by the Smartcard.
Manual Credit Transaction/Manual Debit Transaction: a transaction was processed by selecting Add Transaction Manually dollar icon on Smartcard details page.
Max Fare Deduction: a deduction occurred when a Smartcard holder taps on but fails to tap off when deboarding.
Add Fund: funds was added from the Operator Portal or from Transportme™ Passenger app or Travel2School app.
Auto Top Up: funds was added automatically by configuring Auto Top-up feature on the Transportme™ Passenger app or Travel2School app.
Top Up: funds was added from the Driver app by cash.
Top Up (CC): funds was added from the Driver app by credit card.
Refund: the transaction was recorded by selecting Refund button on this report or from a split trip rule. Note: a refund from a split trip rule can be verified if there is a note split_trip in Note column.
Tap on Method: how the Smartcard was used.
Manually: the transaction didn't use a physical Smartcard. Eg: the driver search the Smartcard and process the transaction such as add funds or tapping on.
Smartcard: the Smartcard holder use the physical Smartcard to tap on/off or add funds on the Driver app.
Initial Balance: balance of Smartcard's account before the transaction.
Ending Balance: balance of Smartcard's account after the transaction.
Boarding Stop/Boarding Time: where and when the Smartcard was tapped on. If there is no information, it means that the Smartcard was not tapped at the stop.
Deboarding Stop/Deboarding Time: where and when the Smartcard was tapped off. If there is no information, it means that the Smartcard was not tapped at that stop.
refunded: this transaction amount was refunded back to the smartcard account.
refund for transaction [transaction number]: this row is a record for a refund transaction.
split_trip: this row is a record of a transaction triggered by a split trip rule.
Reason: [reason of manually transaction]: this row is a record for a manually transaction.
Cancelled: this transaction has been cancelled from the driver app.
Actions: if a transaction is refundable, a Refund button is shown. A transaction is refundable if its Transaction Type is Travel Payment / Max Fare Deduction. Note: you may find more details about the refund from the article Refund Smartcard transactions.
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